Saturday, February 23, 2008

A research experiment.

This blog will attempt to address questions and issues that have plagued my mind. I believe these questions have answers, or can be explained in-part. I believe good questions deserve to be recognized and understood. How these questions are understood will relate to perspective; a type of hypothesis. My perspective comes from knowing that this life has meaning and value and should be lived with purpose. For instance, life is intrinsically valuable and finding purpose ought to be our primary responsibility. From here on out, I will face the questions of my life that have gone unanswered or have been mis-directed. My attempt is to try and present valid and trustworthy answers, or at least a worthwhile discussion of the topic. This will of course include references to books, authors, definitions, movies, songs, events, behaviors, and actions. I will rely on the help of others in this quest, knowing that I do not have all of the answers. Over time, my hope is that this can can be resource to finding out what is truth and what is not. Fundamentally, all truth comes from God and my hope is that I find God's truth in the large and important questions of life. I welcome your thoughts and and input.

1 comment:

Zakaryans said...

I am intrigued and excited to see what comes from this blog. I also really like the photo! -KZ